Posts Tagged ‘11ty’

Blog Post Cuts in 11ty

Monday, June 17th, 2024

At the time of writing, I haven’t yet decided how I want to publish these blog posts; they’re all just sitting on my computer. (Update: At time of publication, I am using WordPress.) One of the options I’ve considered is 11ty. One of the features I’d like out of wherever I post this is the ability to have a “cut” — that is, the ability to designate some amount of the post to appear in the home page, search results, etc.; and make the rest available only after clicking some “read more” type of link.

WordPress supports this under the name of a “more block”; Dreamwidth/LiveJournal supports these with a custom <cut> element, and I’m sure many other blog platforms worth their salt support this too. But, OK, how do you do this in 11ty?
