Archive for June, 2024

Installing WordPress on SQLite

Monday, June 24th, 2024

WordPress has a plugin that allows it to run on SQLite instead of MySQL. However, it’s a little weird setting it up – the documented way to set it up is to install WordPress on MySQL, then install and activate the plugin, and then switch to SQLite (which then starts your site off fresh again).

If you were trying to use this plugin to avoid the dependency on MySQL in the first place, these official instructions don’t help you very much. But it turns out to be easy to get it working from the get-go, without MySQL – it’s just not documented particularly well.


Blog Post Cuts in 11ty

Monday, June 17th, 2024

At the time of writing, I haven’t yet decided how I want to publish these blog posts; they’re all just sitting on my computer. (Update: At time of publication, I am using WordPress.) One of the options I’ve considered is 11ty. One of the features I’d like out of wherever I post this is the ability to have a “cut” — that is, the ability to designate some amount of the post to appear in the home page, search results, etc.; and make the rest available only after clicking some “read more” type of link.

WordPress supports this under the name of a “more block”; Dreamwidth/LiveJournal supports these with a custom <cut> element, and I’m sure many other blog platforms worth their salt support this too. But, OK, how do you do this in 11ty?


Towards Inform 7 in WASI

Monday, June 10th, 2024

I have been a fan of Inform 7 for a long time. It was first released in binary form only, with the promise to eventually open source it. The timeline for this, for someone so curious to see how it worked inside, seemed to drag on indefinitely, and I did not hear much for years. But in 2019, progress was clearly starting to show on the outside, and on April 28, 2022, Inform was made open-source.

Inform is a wonderful program, but it requires you to be able to run a program on your computer. That may not sound like much, but you don’t always have that capability. Sometimes when I am writing I may not want to turn on my computer, for example, and may just want to write on my iPad for example. But there is no Inform for iPad, and even if there were, there’s no Inform for Chromebook, and it seems like Inform for Android used to exist but no longer does.

This is a perfect spot for the Web. All of these devices have perfectly capable web browsers. With Emscripten blazing the path, first with asm.js and later with WebAssembly, and then WASI providing another system interface for WebAssembly, and with the Inform source code finally available, this goal should be within reach – an Inform for Web that would let anyone use Inform, as long as you’ve got a web browser.


CMake as Tcl in a Trenchcoat

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

CMake and Tcl have a substantial number of similarities. Both languages:

  • Are imperative.
  • More-or-less natively support only string variables.
  • Represent lists as specially-formatted strings.
  • Have a single namespace for functions.
  • Use function syntax for everything (control flow etc).
  • Support some form of “uplevel” variable setting.
